Austin Shafran New Initiatives to Improve Our Quality of Life

Austin Shafran has experience at the highest levels of government and has run a successful small business. He has a unique experience of doing great things for our community. In addition, he is the father of two children and understands well what is needed for the prosperity and success of our society.

He advocates comprehensive reform: from helping lower taxes for middle-class families, getting illegal guns off our streets, managing over $1 billion in business development and job creation programs, to distributing thousands of facemasks and PPE during the pandemic. Austin Shafran offers several initiatives to make life in our city better.

Small Business Loans

As a businessman, Austin Shafran understands that business has its bad times too. And he understands how important it is sometimes to get support, including financial support, so your life's work continues to flourish. Therefore, he proposes making small business loans more affordable so that people in business can use them regardless of their credit history. Unfortunately, not everyone can go through life without a single stumble, which also applies to the troubles that sometimes happen to our credit ratings. However, this does not mean that entrepreneurs do not deserve a second chance to get a loan and let their businesses grow and develop.

Unfortunately, not everyone can go through life without a single stumble, which also applies to the troubles that sometimes happen to our credit ratings. However, this does not mean that entrepreneurs do not deserve a second chance to get a loan and let their businesses grow and develop.

Gun control

Mr. Shafran understands the importance of security and the ability to protect yourself in our time. But at the same time, he believes that guns are not toys. And just like protecting yourself, it can help you hurt yourself. Therefore, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the presence of guns in the house. But more importantly, avoid illegal guns in our city. Crimes are committed with illegal guns. Innocent people are killed because the control is too weak.

Therefore, we must do everything in our power to reduce the number of guns on the streets. To make us and our children feel safe.

Children Care

Austin Shafran believes that our entire future lies in children. And so we, adults, should pay special attention to them. But, of course, he is well aware that working parents do not always manage to look after their children the way they would like. After all, someone has to earn money, so the children are fed and dressed for the weather. Therefore, Austin proposes to develop and implement early care and education programs and create more places for babies and toddlers. Parents should be calm while working for the good of their children's future. And children should develop and be supervised at this time.

Financial Assistance

The economic recession leaves its mark on the life of every American. We all work hard, but the reality is that each of us may need financial assistance tomorrow. The lucky ones are those who live surrounded by close friends and relatives - they can help each other in difficult moments. Although even in this case, difficulties can arise from time to time. But some families or single people live away from their loved ones. Austin Shafran, in partnership with Queens lending companies, offers financial support to those who need it most. This assistance includes fast and affordable loan options for all people. Even those whose income is below average or with bad credit history. These affordable short-term financial solutions with a limited maximum loan amount should be available to everyone.

Price control

Currently, the country's unemployment rate is rising, and inflation has reached a high level. In such circumstances, we must do everything we can to support our citizens, says Austin Shafran. Therefore, he offers price control for essential goods, as well as for rent. Despite the fact that fighting inflation is difficult, Mr. Shafran is ready to take it on. First of all, he believes it is necessary to make essential goods available to people by regulating their prices. In addition, people spend a lot of money on housing, so this problem also needs to be solved by price control.